The Institution Of Marriage Is Funny

My brain is a repository of strange thoughts and conundrums. Sometimes, when I am all alone by myself, most likely on the eve of valentines, my brain begins to wonder.

I wonder what the first man was thinking when he proposed the idea of a Rishtaa to his significant other.
“Eve, isn’t this amazing? What we have is so special.”
“Yes, Adam. It is special indeed.”
“What is it called?”
“Why must we put a label on it?
“you are right… instead, LETS PUT A RING ON IT, AMIRIGHT?!”
“Adam, are you alright?”
“I will be, once you allow me to be secure with the idea of owning each other for a lifetime because we men are a bunch of pseudo macho emotionally dysfunctional softies who just want to be loved at the end of the day. Who just want to be loved at the weekends in the face of a dead-end job. Love me until the end of this month, year, decade and until the end of time itself. Even when the sun collapses in on itself and everything we’ve ever loved is turned to ashes and dust.”
“We will honeymoon in the garden of eden.”
“Sounds like a plan, I will finally get to try that apple everyone is always talking about.”

Now you know how it went down !

A wedding is funny. In many ways it is like a transition that Adam and Eve faced.

An event in our lives which marks the end of childhood. Great responsibilities await and with great responsibility comes great power. (Uncle Ben)

What power, you ask?

Love, of course… because asli power dil main hoti hai. (Anupam Uncle)


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