Best Wedding Photographers In Bhubaneswar

Pre-wedding photo
 normally take place few months before the wedding, they serve as a fantastic opportunity for the couple to bond. The photographer and vice versa. The entire process will serve as a litmus test to see if the photographer knows his chops and if they are good at their craft, this practice will help you get acquainted to their style of shooting and you to theirs. These sessions are of casual nature.Candid wedding photography Bhubaneswar is offered by Auromira Weddings at a very good cost.

This is an amazing opportunity for the couples who are not used to each other to get acquainted to each other and figure out how to pose together. The wedding photographs will appear a lot more effortless and natural after this drill is done. The more relaxed the couple is in front of the camera, the better the results of the wedding photography will be. Pre-wedding shoots are the perfect time to discuss any new ideas that one may have in their minds.

Some other benefits of a pre-wedding shoot is that the bride and groom will be able to get more professional shots in natural surroundings. Few even like to photograph their wedding venues and some prefer to change the location entirely. Best wedding Photographers in Bhubaneswar are available at Auromira Weddings and believe us, it’s the best you can find.

And you know what’s the best feeling? When the pre-wedding photography session goes well, and you can finally stop worrying about having a good photographer booked. The photographer has the chance to figure out the most flattering angles to use, which lighting techniques will be the most efficient and particularly the couple so that he approaches the wedding day itself knowing how to execute the entire thing with absolute clarity.

These sessions make sure that the quality of the photographs taken are of highest possible quality and the couple can have some beautiful and natural images taken where they look like their natural selves and not as the to-be groom and bride !
Pre wedding photography is the new in-thing!

Four Indian Wedding Rituals Which Are Fun

Indian weddings are a big deal. It includes fun and frolic, delicious food and of course, rituals rich with traditions.

And when you are bringing two distinct individuals and their respective families together then there should be some fun-filled rituals which will lighten up the mood of the occasion that make the real memories. These memories will be instrumental in forming a bond of a lifetime. So let us show you how we break ice at weddings in different parts of our culture rich nation.


Let’s walk you through four truly interesting and amusing wedding rituals in India.

The Balancing Pot Of Bihar


The mother in law greets the new bride into her new home by mounting few earthen pots on her head. While she bows down to seek the blessing of her elders she must also simultaneously balance the earthen pots on her head. This is supposed to be an indicator of how well she will be able to manage her responsibilities at her new home.

Kanpurs Tomato And Potato Welcome

In most parts of India the groom and his majestic baarat is welcomed with love and respect but in a small village called Sarsaul near Kanpur, the baaraat is not only welcomed with tomatoes and potatoes but also along with it comes copious amounts of cuss words. It is believed that when you begin something with hate, it ends in love.

Sindhi Weddings Strip The Groom


There is an interesting Sindhi ritual called Saanth and towards the end of it the relatives of the groom literally tear his clothes right before the wedding.
It is believed that this ritual reminds the groom to leave his past behind before he embarks on a new journey after his marriage.

The Groom Is Convinced Not To Leave
Tamil weddings are a little different in this aspect. The groom pretends as though he isn’t interested in the marriage and intends to go to Himalayas right before the marriage rituals begin. Enter brides father who saves the day by offering him a gita, sandal, an umbrella and a hand fan. All this convinces the groom to stay back because who can refuse a bribe, right?

If you happen to live in or around Bhubaneswar than we can help you capture these beautiful memories in equally beautiful photographs.
Here you may find the best wedding photographers of bhubaneswar.

Men and Weddings !


Weddings are the best time for a man to suit up !
Barney said it best, didnt he?
At least when it comes to men and their styling. Men may not show off their styling chops very often but their styling history goes way back to the age of aristocrats in good ol’ london.
Suites were, in a way, a sign and symbol of power, luxury and respect.
Suits are just as relevant today.
And guess what? Weddings are the best time to show off their stylish side.
How else do you imagine being the stylish knight in the shining armour, considering everything at a wedding is stylish and shiny!

So, let’s have a look :

Suit Shaadi Ka :


A shaadi ka suit is so very worth it when you catch them ladies staring and drooling at you in awe. Today is the day when your gym subscription and protein shakes are going to pay off,
only if you have gained some mass and cuts along the way ! I am not fooling around when i say this,
Research say 80% of the girls prefer men over suit than any other outfits. You are in luck if you stay in Bhubaneswar because bhubaneswar happens to have many shops and retail outlets who offer hand stitched and ready made suits, but we suggest you go for a tailor made one as these look more dapper and they fit really, really well !
Blackberry’s and Louis Philippe are the place to be if you want yourself well-dressed !


Once you are ready to kill it on the big day, you will need an exceptionally well photographer who captures these memories for you, are we correct ?
Don’t you worry, we have your back. We happen to know some of the best wedding photographers of Bhubaneswar. They are waiting to capture your best candids. Wedding photography in Bhubaneswar is a promising new avenue as it ensures that the perfect smiles are not blurred out by photographers who haven’t figured out the craft of photography.
We hope you have a happy wedding season !
Time to slay it, Odia Tokas !


Weddings are a big deal and sometimes while taking care of the these big things we forget the small ones. 

Here is the wordrobe every bride deserves !
We have asked our fashion experts to chalk out these 8 essential items !
And they are the following :


1. The Pretty Banarasi sari

Imagine walking into a room and noticing that all the eyes are on you. 
That is what the pretty Banarasi sari will help you achieve. 
Banaras had even managed to grab the attention of Big B himself ! 
The wedding guests are but mere mortals.


This one is a must have if you know how to carry yourself ! 
A Bride is meant to turn heads and necks and guess what?
That pretty lehnga absolutely fits the bill in order to do that.
A Kurta can be easily paired with a Lehenga to take it a step further.

Also, a word of advice !
If you are looking for wedding photoshoots in Bhubneshwar, We will be able to

help you in that regard !
you can find candid wedding photography in Bhubaneswar !


2. Flashy footwear

Those sandals that make you want to dance away in a sandstorm of sparkles? 
BUY THEM ! Your foot deserves that kind of attention ! 
give it what it needs ! Do not deprive it or yourself of it. 
You have no idea what the right kind of footwear can do to the eyes of the beholder.
Aapke paon dekhe, bahut haseen hai. Inhe zameen par mat utariyega, maile ho jayenge.”.


4.Comfortable night wear


After all the noise, celebration, events and parties,
you need to slip into your most comfortable and spacious clothes
and grab some good sleep before you do it all over again. 
Choose your nightwear carefully –
Also do we even need to mention the bathrobe?


The Institution Of Marriage Is Funny

My brain is a repository of strange thoughts and conundrums. Sometimes, when I am all alone by myself, most likely on the eve of valentines, my brain begins to wonder.

I wonder what the first man was thinking when he proposed the idea of a Rishtaa to his significant other.
“Eve, isn’t this amazing? What we have is so special.”
“Yes, Adam. It is special indeed.”
“What is it called?”
“Why must we put a label on it?
“you are right… instead, LETS PUT A RING ON IT, AMIRIGHT?!”
“Adam, are you alright?”
“I will be, once you allow me to be secure with the idea of owning each other for a lifetime because we men are a bunch of pseudo macho emotionally dysfunctional softies who just want to be loved at the end of the day. Who just want to be loved at the weekends in the face of a dead-end job. Love me until the end of this month, year, decade and until the end of time itself. Even when the sun collapses in on itself and everything we’ve ever loved is turned to ashes and dust.”
“We will honeymoon in the garden of eden.”
“Sounds like a plan, I will finally get to try that apple everyone is always talking about.”

Now you know how it went down !

A wedding is funny. In many ways it is like a transition that Adam and Eve faced.

An event in our lives which marks the end of childhood. Great responsibilities await and with great responsibility comes great power. (Uncle Ben)

What power, you ask?

Love, of course… because asli power dil main hoti hai. (Anupam Uncle)


Ye Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai : Decoding The Big Fat Indian Wedding

For a kid who grew up in an Indian household, I always had a soft corner for a big fat Indian wedding.

Auromira Weddings Photography
Auromira Weddings Photography

My house would transform into one of those metropolitan cities that never sleeps, waking up at 6 in the morning felt no different from waking up at 6 in the evening. We found ourselves in a perpetual state of organised chaos. Yet, we loved being part of this mass hysteria for what it was, didn’t we?

So, let’s break it down.
3 things we absolutely love about a big fat Indian wedding:

Dancing is the heart and soul of an Indian wedding celebration. It’s that time of the year when you see your 50 year old sloshed phupha ji showing off his moves like jagger to naagin dance.
How quant!

Another wedding, another excuse to dress up like the fabulous diva that you are. Fret not, The photographer is obviously going to take those beautiful close-up shots of you eating and regurgitating the buffet which would give Kumbhakaran an inferiority complex, but on the Brightside, you will look well dressed doing it.
If you don’t want your wedding videography and photography in Bhubaneswar to look like an endless series of well dressed people eating the food your paid for, we’ve got your back, here are some good photographers at your disposal who will help you capture beautiful memories with YOU in it and not your gracious guests!



Here is a new start up idea. Steal groom’s shoe. Hide it. Engage in melodrama and cause him a lot of hassle and then finally return it back to him.
Silicon valley, take notes!
As weird as this may sound, this is one of the many standard Indian wedding rituals and trust me, they get a lot more creative and fun!